Monday 24 December 2007

staying on your feet...

Ice skating is not really the most natural of things for the average Australian...

but... I managed to stay on my feet!

That ice is cold and rather hard upon the back side when one falls upon it!
Somerset House on the Strand is currently home to one of a number of temporary rinks across the city, and it provides a most picturesque backdrop...

A couple of weeks ago I spent a delightful hour or so with my new work colleagues on the ice as part of our Christmas party. Thankfully I maintained my dignity and stayed on my feet... despite a couple of very close calls... none of which were caught on film...

Ice skating seems to be a very popular Christmas pastime, and there are rinks at the Natural History Museum, The Tower and various other landmarks.

The Somerset House rink (pictured) sits in a neoclassical courtyard a few feet from the busy Strand. However, stepping through the arches into the court you move away from the bustle of the West End and into a serene space with piped classical music, the rink and most importantly a bar!

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