I have been in London since last November and I have been expecting, long before now, an invite to the Palace. Alas, none has been forthcoming. So, I have had to take matters into my own hands and go and take a look for myself.

A recent visit by friend Sam seemed a good excuse to wander up to Buckingham Palace and have a look around. Saturday morning found us queuing in the most civilised manner (with the exception of some very pushy – and I mean literally pushy – Spanish women) at the Ambassadors entrance. You get to see 19 state rooms (well that’s what the brochure says – I actually lost count) and you are soon overwhelmed by chandeliers, gilt mirrors and marble.
The high point is the state ballroom, currently laid out for a state dinner. Despite the milling throng and the waxworks footmen, the room is spectacular. The enormous number of plates and glasses is incredible and that’s before you get to staff, food and wine.

The tour finishes off in the garden and allows you to take your time and enjoy the lakes, lawns, trees and the ‘Royal Swamp’ as Sam identified what I am sure is considered a ‘pond’ by the gardeners. (But I have to admit it did have a swamp-like appearance)
And of course, like any great tourist attraction you can’t exit without passing through, in this case, the ‘Royal’ Gift Shop. We were both suckered into various purchases, but as gift shops go this one did have a certain air of quality… maybe it was all the plastic crowns and tiaras!
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