Thursday, 1 November 2007

A start... at least

A McCafe in Singapore is an odd place to doubt my plans... but there it was.

Sitting, eating a cheeseburger, staring at bland advertising and wondering why I was turning my life upside down to this extent.

It had been a long day and, in my defence, I was tired and didn't have a lot to do before my flight to London later that night...

A tour guide earlier in the day had recommended the shopping centre, that housed said McCafe, for no other reason that the spectacular decoration of the gents toilets ...and I guess a full wall mural of the Running of the Bulls to entertain you while you wash your hands is worth a detour.

Besides, the detour provided that few minutes of rest and reflection over a cheeseburger.

London was a long way from Brisbane, from family, from friends...

London from a McCafe in Singapore looked like a vast, cold lonely place...

London without any confirmed prospect of a job or somewhere to live...

London, a city with cold grey skies, drizzle and misery.

...and most pressing of all, London was an overnight flight in economy with the prospect of little sleep...

But, now I am here, it's not nearly so bad... even the sun is shining!

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