Thursday, 29 January 2009

back for the second

It was the first Australia Day in a long, long time that I did not have a drink! My flight landed at Heathrow at 5am - only 3 weeks late… not that I minded all that much. An extra 3 weeks in Brisbane had not been all that difficult to deal with; warm weather, sunny days and a lot of catching up with friends. London by comparison had been very cold while I was away -10 at one point. It was a barmy 4 degrees when I arrived, but the sun shone for my first 2 days back making for a rather pleasant welcome.

I spent my first, somewhat jetlagged, day wandering around the West End reacquainting myself with London. It was nice to be out and walking in the sun after a full day of flying. The pavements were almost free from people making for a pleasant stroll in a city were walking on any major street is normally a game of human pinball. One of the benefits of London in winter is the lack of tourists… to walk down Shaftsbury Avenue to Piccadilly Circus and not have to force your way through the hordes taking photos is a rare experience.

So, here we are at 2009… another year in London, another year to see a bit more of the world.